Sustainability Partners

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Sustainability Partners

sustainability of Earth Sustainability, by definition, is the ability to avoid depleting the natural resources so that ecological balance is “sustained”. People are choosing to reach a level of sustainability through using a variety of means. They strive to learn how to live life in a greener way and it is something that we could all benefit from doing more of.

Why Sustainability Matters

SustainabilityWe live in a world that provides everything we need for our survival. Earth provides warmth, water, trees, oxygen, foods, and much more. However, each year, our needs increase and the earth is, at times, unable to keep up with the growing demands that we place on it. Some things that are renewable, such as the sun’s power can be captured and thus lessen the impact of power plants. This can allow the other resources to rebuild and ensures that it will be available to our future generations. Without attempting to create a better balance of what we use and what we salvage, our future generations may not have access to the natural things that Earth should be able to provide with ease. This makes it harder for us all to survive.

Reaching Sustainability

helping-earth-thrive-through-sustainability.jpgThere are a lot of things that each and every family can do to help the sustainability movement. You can purchase an environmentally friendly vehicle, use solar power, and much more. It goes beyond the big things, though. You can use greener lawn care products, live by the 3 R’s, (reduce, reuse, recycle), use products for cleaning that are earth friendly, and more. Most all manufactures today attempt to make products that cause less damage to the environment. They are all trying to reduce our carbon footprint and it only takes a little effort for you to find the products that work, without causing damage.

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Everyone knows that it isn’t always easy to upgrade to new things as a way to protect the environment. It is not necessarily affordable for every homeowner to upgrade to solar power and it may not be practical to purchase an electric car, just because it seems like the right thing to do. This does not mean that you cannot help in other ways to lessen our impact on the earth. For instance, you can shop at yard sales and thrift stores to buy furniture that you can recreate and turn it into something usable rather than purchase new items. If you have things you no longer want, you can give it or sell it to someone else so that they can repurpose it. Instead of buying all of your food from the grocery store, why not consider buying locally grown vegetables? This will cut down on the food transportation industries and chemical usage, and more.

All it takes is for you to think about the things you are using on a daily basis and you can start to improve the environment by cutting out the wasteful things that you use each day. You can stop filling up the landfills, promote local businesses, and do a variety of other small things that will help our world be sustainable for all future generations. It is a part of what the Natural Step Framework is all about. It is a program that was adopted by La Crosse,  Wisconsin in 2007 and it has since become a master plan that works for their local government.

Is A Raw Food Diet Really Good For You?

The raw food diet, which primarily focuses on consuming unprocessed and uncooked foods, has gained popularity in recent years due to its perceived health benefits. Proponents of the raw food diet argue that it maximizes the nutrients in food, preserves enzymes that can aid digestion, and helps detoxify the body by eliminating processed foods. A typical raw food diet is made up of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted grains, and legumes, often emphasizing plant-based foods with minimal animal products. The idea behind this diet is that cooking food can destroy some of the nutrients and enzymes, potentially reducing its health benefits. Many people report feeling more energized, losing weight, and experiencing improved digestion when switching to a raw food diet.

Notable Disadvantages Of Raw Food Diet

However, there are notable disadvantages to eating a raw food diet. One of the primary concerns is the lack of variety and potential nutrient deficiencies. For instance, a raw food diet can be low in certain essential nutrients, such as vitamin B12, calcium, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids, which are typically found in animal products and some cooked foods. These deficiencies can lead to health issues over time, such as anemia or weakened bones. Additionally, some foods, such as certain beans and grains, contain anti-nutrients that can interfere with the absorption of essential nutrients when eaten raw. For example, raw beans contain lectins, which can be toxic and cause digestive upset unless they are properly cooked. Raw food diets can also be low in protein, making it difficult to maintain muscle mass, especially if the diet doesn’t include sufficient plant-based protein sources.

Another disadvantage of a raw food diet is the potential for foodborne illness. Raw animal products, such as meat, eggs, and dairy, can carry harmful bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli, which can lead to food poisoning. While a fully plant-based raw diet may mitigate this risk, the consumption of raw foods still carries the possibility of contamination from bacteria or parasites, particularly if fruits and vegetables are not washed thoroughly. Furthermore, the raw food diet can be time-consuming and expensive, as it often requires sourcing high-quality, fresh, and organic produce, which may not always be easily accessible or affordable.

Specific Foods To Avoid

Not all foods are inherently “bad” for you, but some can be harmful if consumed in excess or prepared improperly. For example, certain foods like highly processed sugars, trans fats, and artificial additives can contribute to chronic diseases, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Additionally, some foods are naturally toxic to humans, such as certain types of mushrooms, unripe fruits like ackee, or foods containing high levels of cyanide (e.g., bitter almonds). These foods should be avoided or consumed with caution, depending on their preparation methods.

For example, are pumpkin seeds bad for you when it comes to gut heath? Pumpkin seeds are generally not bad for you; in fact, they are considered a nutrient-dense food with many health benefits. Pumpkin seeds are high in antioxidants, healthy fats, protein, magnesium, and zinc, making them a great addition to a balanced diet. They may support heart health, improve sleep, and provide anti-inflammatory benefits. However, moderation is key. Pumpkin seeds are calorie-dense, so consuming them in excessive amounts could contribute to weight gain. Also, some individuals may have sensitivities or allergies to seeds, which could lead to digestive issues or allergic reactions. As long as they are consumed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet, pumpkin seeds can be a healthy and beneficial food.

Nutrient Rich Diet

While a raw food diet can offer some health benefits by promoting the consumption of nutrient-rich, unprocessed foods, it also comes with potential disadvantages, such as nutrient deficiencies, foodborne illness risks, and a lack of variety. As with any diet, balance and moderation are crucial. Not all foods are inherently bad, but improper consumption or preparation can make certain foods harmful. When it comes to foods like pumpkin seeds, they are typically healthy and provide a range of benefits, but, like all foods, they should be consumed in appropriate amounts to ensure overall health and well-being.

Curbing Our Electronics Consumption

smart phone batteriesEveryone can easily see that we live in a battery powered, electronic world. This is a great thing for those who love technology, but it can be a major issue for those who want to take care of our environment. The reason this is a problem is that each year, new devices are being released and most people feel that it is important to go out with the old and in with the new. All those old devices and gadgets end up eventually filling the landfill and they will continue to do so until we start curbing our electronic consumptions.

The Negative Impact

landfill batteriesWhen you think about landfills, you most likely think of trash. However, a lot of what is filling up our landfills now isn’t trash. It is electronic devices that no one wants anymore, and it is disposable batteries that no longer hold a charge. These things do not go away over time. They do not decompose and become a part of the earth. They simply rust and become metal that is eventually covered by dirt where it will sit for many years, causing damage to the land and the environment.

A Better Way to Save on Technology Waste

cell phonesOne thing you should do is acknowledge that you do not always need the latest and the greatest cell phone on the market. Instead, fix the issues that your current phone may have. For most people, it the battery, which does get weaker over time. You do not need to change out the battery every few months. You just need to figure out what is draining the battery faster. Most iPhones allow you to see how much a program will drain your battery when running. If you have things that drain it when all the games and such are turned off, you may want to try and shut it down. You can also lessen the time before it automatically screen locks, set it up on a power saver mode, and turn off your location when it is not necessary. Your phones battery will last longer and stay healthier for a longer time. The way it works is a little complex, but you should know about batteries if you want to discover how to save them. You can read this article to find out how switches preserve batteries. Simply check out the article, boat battery switch explained here, and you will gain an insight into how batteries work best.

Love Older Technology Again

Often, we leave the phones, laptops, and more behind because they can no longer keep up with the technology-based lifestyles that we all have going. Those who are concerned about the environment can protect it by simply choosing to keep their devices healthier for longer time periods. Perhaps instead of changing out batteries or devices every year; go for two years on a single battery or a single device. You may sacrifice having the newest in technology, but you will still have a great device that is 100% usable by you.

A Sustainable Eco-Friendly Solution to Mosquito Control

plants that repel mosquitoesIn a world where everyone is worried about spraying a lot of chemicals around because of how it may impact the world; pests become an even bigger problem. Mosquitoes are a primary concern, especially since they are able to carry diseases. Is there a balance to it? Is there a sustainable eco-friendly solution to mosquito control?

The Problem with Mosquitoes

elminate standing water areasThere are several diseases that we have already proven come from getting bit by mosquitoes. A bite from them can spread malaria, West Nile, Dengue, yellow fever, filariasis, Zika, and many more. It seems that every area of the world has had to deal with an outbreak of diseases at some point in time that can be traced back to the insects that attack you by biting. This is because they come into contact with your blood and animal blood. They then leave you and come into contact with another person. Therefore, it is important that you protect yourself, but you do not want to always spray chemicals on your body or to treat your property to keep them away from you. This makes everything more complicated.

A Safer Way to Handle Mosquitoes

If you are looking for a way to naturally get rid of mosquitoes, you are not alone. You can put effort into cleaning up your property to eliminate places where they may breed. This means eliminating standing water areas, dead leaves, and more. If you still do not achieve the desired results, you can either stay inside during peak mosquito hours or change up your wardrobe to include mosquito proof clothing. There are also natural sprays that can repel mosquitoes that many say can work. If you want you can also plant mosquito repelling plants, to further the health of the world that we live in. Either way, you are going to come out ahead of the game. You will not have to spray on the DEET containing repellents, or any other chemicals that may harm the environment. It simply depends on what you are willing to do in your area to keep mosquitoes from crossing your path too often.


If Mosquitoes Do Bite

mosquito bitesMosquitoes do still manage to bite occasionally. When they do, you have to worry about what it may be spreading your way. To protect yourself, you must wash the bite with soap and water. This may also help to soothe it, but will not get rid of the itch completely. Therefore, you should put anti itch cream or Calamine lotion on the bite to help stop the itching that will inevitably happen. If that does not help enough, you can put an ice pack on it, which will also give relief. Rarely, people may have a reaction that goes beyond itching. This happens mostly if you are bitten several times. The reactions may then include dizziness or feeling sick. If you have children, explain that mosquitoes are bad, and they should tell you about itchy, red, spots that appear on them. Tell them that it has to be washed and treated to prevent it from making them sick. You may also want to encourage them to stay indoors during the early morning or evening hours.

Sustainable Food Supplies, Even for Our Pets!

sustainable lifeThere is a world-wide concern that one day, things will go south, and we will have to worry about our sustainability. There is a constant push for people to prepare doomsday bags and plan for a life without the luxuries that we have now. Gardens are being grown so that people will have food, money is being banked so that we will have money, and there are people who have non-perishable foods stored away. Luckily, because of everyone’s desire to be self-sustaining in the event of a disaster, there are plenty of sustainable food supplies, even for our pets!

All Family Members Matter

beloved pets sustainabilityThey say that you should pack enough supplies to last you and your entire family for several days at the very least. This also includes having enough supplies on hand for our beloved pets since they are an extension of most families. Most owners go above and beyond to make sure that their pets are eating the best possible foods available, and it should continue to be a priority if bad things happen because they will depend on you to help them survive as much as your children will.

Is Dog Food Sustainable?

sustainabilityWhen talking about the sustainability of foods, we often have to wonder about pet foods. People often wonder whether dog food is sustainable or if it is something they have to worry about going bad. They also have to worry about storing a 50lb bag of dog food to sustain their pet for a week if they have a large breed dog. Where would you hold that much dog food? Could you store it in a way that rats and other critters wouldn’t get into it? Perhaps the better way for some people to handle it is to consider another alternative. There is a few raw food diet for dogs suppliers and some of them deliver on a weekly basis to ensure that your pet will always have food available to them. This can take a lot of stress and worry off you since you will know that your pet will have the option to eat a well-balanced diet that is made of real food sources that are designed for them now, and in the event of a disaster their foods will be delivered. As an added bonus, no chemicals or processing plants that can damage our earth further are required for this type of food.

Plan for the Future

The truth of, with the way the world is going at this time, there is no guarantee about what will happen to us tomorrow. A war could break out, the power grid could crash, global warming could send a major, natural disaster our way, and any number of other things could happen. It is a scary thought and all families are encouraged to plan for the future events that are looming on the horizon. Planning now will be the only way to ensure that your family will survive. It saves the environment from harm now so that you can live off the land later if you need to. Your children, your pets, and others who depend on you will expect you to know how to make things okay. Are you prepared in every way that you can be?